
LibreOffice Free Office Suite

LibreOffice is a freeware professional quality complete office suite.LibreOffice gives high quality output as it is stable and fuctional product.LibreOffice is user friendly as users can personalize the interface and also switch to Microsoft Office suite like Graphical interface.It is compatible with all majour competitor's file formats.You can easily import files from Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and others.LibreOffice also comes configured with a PDF file creator

LibreOffice free office includes:

  • Write, use it for everything like making letter,produce book with table and contents,Embed illustrations and diagrams,Make brochures and much more
  • Calc, use as analysis tool help bring transparency to your conclusions.Add data from external database such as SQL or Oracle
  • Impress, create effective rich graphic multimedia based presentations,make stunning animations and add special effects to convince your audience
  • Draw, allows you yo make stunning diagrams and sketches and add 3d special effects
  • Base, is a dataBase font-end of libreOffice suite.Integrate your existing databe structures.
  • Math, is simple equation editor that lets you lay-out and display mathematical,chemical,eletrical or scietific equations quickly

LibreOffice Features
Price Free
FileSize 205 MB
Language English & Multiple Language
Version 4.1.0
Oprating System Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Official Site

LibreOffice Screen Shots:

Glary Utilities overview screen Shot

LibreOffice Presentation screen Shot

LibreOffice SpreadSheet screen Shot